
Stay tune with our Outreach Programs

The Brussels Awakening

Having a 6-4 job is good but not all that you were meant to be. God designed you for greatness and not for mere survival.

Satan is not powerful. We are only powerless. That is why he tries so hard to make sure we are spiritually asleep, because he knows that a sleeping man is a powerless man.

Some of us have lost our relationships, marriages, finances, good jobs, finances, etc not because Satan is powerful but because we were spiritually asleep.

We are inviting you to this revival program so that God will awaken you from your spiritual slumber.

* For the sake of your colourful future, you must be awake.
* For the sake of your children, your siblings, your parents, your relationships, your marriage etc, you must be awake.
* For the sake of what God wants to do with you in your generation, you must wake up!


Do not let the enemy steal, kill and to destroy the things that means a lot to you. (John 10:10) In Europe, a lot of people are too talented and even anointed; full of strength, with too many opportunities but yet in destiny, they have been captured because they are sleeping spiritually.

The will of God for their lives was to become relevant in their generation but unfortunately, after many years, all they can boast of are few Euros in their bank accounts, loaned cars and mortgaged houses. This is terrible reality. That is why in Isaiah 52:1, God is saying: “Awake, Awake…“

Have you not lost enough things? Do you not love your children, your relationship, your marriage, your career, your siblings and even yourself enough to wake up from your spiritual sleep?

You are not the only one in Europe that is spiritually asleep, battling with several things they cannot be proud to tell anyone. Many are also struggling to find their feet in God and carry the fire again. That is why God sent us to put this program together. Our joy is that because He is ever ready to help anyone that comes to Him. (John 6:37) Therefore, don’t let anything stop you from attending this revival program every first Sunday of every month.

Trust me; God can restore the sweetness of that relationship/marriage again. He can take over your children/siblings and restore peace to their troubled minds. He can heal you, forgive you, cleanse you and make you to be in charge of your destiny again.

* Just one person that is spiritually awake can save that family from shame.
* Just one person that is spiritually awake can deliver that struggling relationship or marriage.
* Just one person in that community that is spiritually awake can bring a revival to that church or that family again.

God will be waiting at THE BRUSSEL AWAKENING. May He find that person in you! In Jesus Name, amen!

See you there!

Our vision is to raise undercover evangelists and business place apostles that will invade the streets of Europe with the gospel of Jesus Christ until there is someone carrying the fire of God in every home in Europe.